Laser Treatment For Acne Scars: An Overview!

Acne scars on your face can impact your appearance and self-esteem. With advanced cosmetic treatments, it is possible to get rid of both new and old acne scars. For mild cases, chemical peels often do the trick, but if the scars are old and deep, laser treatment may be necessary. Effective laser treatments often rely on radiofréquence fractionnelle for maximum benefits. In this post, we are discussing more on laser treatment for acne scars.

How does laser treatment work?

In general, all laser treatments work on the top surface of the skin, or the epidermis. The laser light breaks the scar tissues, allowing new skin cells to grow and replace the old tissues. It must be noted that only some people are eligible or ideal candidates for laser treatments. For instance, if your skin is wrinkled, or you have active acne, your aesthetician or dermatologist may advice against laser. All the treatments are collectively called laser skin resurfacing, and the costs are dependent on many factors, including number and size of scars being treated. There are varied kinds of laser skin resurfacing treatments available including erbium YAG lasers. Each one has a few pros and cons and are delivered using specific devices.

Types oflaser resurfacing

There are two categories of laser resurfacing. The first one is called ablative laser resurfacing, which relies on erbium YAG laser or similar that removes the entire top layer of skin. This is more of an invasive procedure of the two, and it may take a few days for the effects of the treatment to go away. After ablative laser resurfacing, expect redness around the area, with some swelling. Non-ablative laser resurfacing relies on infrared lasers, and these are best for molder cases and work well for boosting the production of collagen.

Visiting a clinic

When it comes to laser treatments for acne scars, or laser resurfacing, always select a reliable and known clinic that has all the necessary equipment and advanced technologies. Their experts should be able to guide you on the produce and what to expect from the treatment. If you are an ideal candidate for laser resurfacing, the dermatologist will also further help you understand the costs, depending on number of sessions needed. There is usually a break between different laser resurfacing sessions.

Check online now to find more on laser resurfacing and select a good clinic for the first appointment.

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